WA: Home helps Walla Walla sex offenders stay on straight and narrow


About 860,000 registered sex offenders were living in the United States in 2016, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Washington state Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs said Friday that 19,600 of those offenders are in this state.

Today 124 of those live in Walla Walla County: 87 in the city, 17 in College Place, and the rest scattered up to Burbank. Seven sex offenders here are listed as homeless.

Some of those, almost all low-level offenders, live in an ordinary-looking house in the Eastgate area on a block largely surrounded by businesses.

It’s called Joe’s Place, and up to nine men voluntarily live at the address at any one time, said its director, Joe Field.

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Public outcry at city council meeting resulting in the removal of registrants from the home in 3… 2… 1…

“As long as we know where these guys are, our public is safer.”

This is patently FALSE and those two cops in that article are fear parasites taking false credit for protecting the community! You can actually see the smug arrogance and over-inflated sense of pride in their faces. Pathetic.

well it most likely sounds much prettier than it really is , sounds polished to me , but its at least a positive start , its much better than nothing for those that have nothing , and most people know what I think of LE issues , but they are not all bad , some would like to open more positive doors for RC’s/ Felons , but you can bet than those guys and gals are not being listen to , and if they rock the boat it can go bad , just like it dose for Good CO’s in prison , good CO’s have to walk a very fine line , and sometimes the pier pressure is so great that they turn bad or they just get gone , all the same , this looks as if Washington is at least trying to get something right , not a lot of states will not even try to push anything positive when it comes to RC’s , these cops might be full of crap about the program , but it looks to me like if someone just gets out of prison in Washington if they truly try to stay out of trouble at least those have a chance of making it , and who knows as long as an RC has a good out look of being out of prison , could open doors for non registry , this is at least a model the public can see , and educate them as well , beats living under a bridge on the registry

Walla Walla is also home to the WA State Penitentiary. Correlation maybe?